Vaccine Court Awards Millions

I just finished reading this article and thought I would share it with all of you. Vaccine Court Awards Millions to Two Children With Autism EC

The Healing Journey of Others – Words of Wisdom

OK, let’s face it – walking the health journey can be downright challenging at times. It can take more money that we have to spend (or want to spend and not that it has to), more time than we’d like, hours of reading and trying to understand what should be simple and at times we just want […]

Parasites – Everything I Never Really Wanted to Know….

So, I am getting ready to do a teleseminar on Monday evening about parasite testing. I was reading and preparing a basic overview of parasites – and have decided I will never walk barefoot again, probably won’t let me dog kiss me on the lips, may never eat out again and I am even contemplating never […]


I taught a class a few months ago at Everglades University about Antioxidants and in the course of preparing for and teaching that class I read a book called the Antioxidant Miracle by Lester Packer PhD. Wow! This was a great book and I learned some very important things about antioxidants over all. In medical school […]


I believe the community one is part of offers a healing power all of its own so naturally, I must talk about a part of that community, friends. My grandmother used to tell me that by the end of my life I would be able to count my true friends on one hand. She often said to me that […]

The Healing Power of Community

I was recently at a medical conference and a quote from the late Dr. Bill Mitchell was shared with the group – the gist of it was that docs forget to prescribe people and community (communion) as a healing modality. I spent some time reflecting on this and what it means for my patients and myself. How often […]

A Perspective on Self-Enlightenment

Well, I was talking with my sister the other day about a journey we are both on, self-improvement, and we had the best discussion. It created such a cascade of thoughts for myself, healing thoughts, that I wanted to share. Over the years I have read hundreds of books and writings about how and why […]

Katie Couric – The Supplement Controversy

We, the sisters — the doctor and the patient — were watching the CBS News with Katie Couric in which she reported on a government study of supplements, some of which were found to contain toxic substances.  For the casual listener of such a trusted information source as this, one might not even think twice […]