The Healing Journey of Others – Words of Wisdom

OK, let’s face it – walking the health journey can be downright challengingĀ at times. It can take more money that we have to spend (or want to spend andĀ not that it has to), more time than we’d like, hours of reading and trying to understand what should be simple and at times we just want […]


I taught a class a few months ago at Everglades University about Antioxidants and in the course of preparing for and teaching that class I read a book called the Antioxidant Miracle by Lester Packer PhD. Wow! This was a great book and I learned some very important things about antioxidants over all. In medical school […]

Not all Low Sugar is Healthy…

Just a quick note on the Belly-fat Cure diet. I have been visiting with a number of patients and friends and some of their questions about the food choices in this book made me realize I should say a bit more. Not all the foods listed in this program are “healthy” even thought they are […]