1, 2, 3 Homeopathy Course

An excellent place to start or refresh your knowledge of homeopathy. This homeopathy course is for home practitioners, physicians just getting started or looking to refresh their skills, and other medical practitioners interested in homeopathy.

Regardless of skill level, participants in this recorded video course will be able to start using homeopathic remedies in their daily lives and clinical practice. Join Dr. Eli Camp as she provides knowledge of and guidance in using one of the safest and most powerful healing modalities on our planet today.

The course includes 100+ pages of illustrated notes, First Aid Homeopathic Guide, Teething Guide and more!



What’s Included

  • 8 recorded sections
  • 100+ pages of class notes
  • Homeopathic First Aid Guide
  • Homeopathic Teething Guide
  • 50% off your next class or can be used as a gift certificate to the recorded course. This makes a nice holiday present for a friend or family member.

1, 2, 3 Homeopathy Course Topics

  • Introduction to Homeopathy
  • History of Homeopathy
  • Homeopathic Remedies
  • Homeopathic Provings and Materia Medica
  • Current Research
  • Common Applications of Homeopathy
  • Building Your Own Kit
  • Review of Homeopathic Resources and Tools
  • Quick Start Guide to 25 Remedies

1, 2, 3 Homeopathy Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of 1, 2, 3…Homeopathy! participants will be able to:

  • Define homeopathy.
  • Explain where it came from.
  • Describe a homeopathic remedy and proving.
  • Access current research.
  • Recognize when homeopathy can be used and for what.
  • Build a basic homeopathic kit (home practitioners and clinicians).
  • Utilize basic homeopathic resources and tools.
  • Implement use of homeopathy at home or in practice.

Suggested Reading
