Doctor as Patient

I do not go to the Doctor’s office very often for myself. I probably should go more often, at least once a year to have my blood work done, get a basic physical. But, like most physicians, I am busy taking care of everyone else and it is only when something goes wrong, something that I can’t fix myself, that I hunt around for someone’s caring hands, someone’s mind and thought processes to be turned to my own personal health. Were I in a place abundant with Naturopathic Physicians I would of course go and see one of my colleagues. But here in Florida there are only about 15 for the whole state…and without a license for NDs here, they could not order my blood work or actually do any sort of exam or therapy, so I, like so many others, had to hunt down the most promising of would be care-takers for myself.

What an ordeal, and it is still ongoing…I will no longer be so nonchalant when giving my patients advice to “simply” go find a primary care doctor. I have seen two doctors who have spent less than 15 minutes with me, offered me pain pills and steroid shots BUT I did get the lab slip so I could get a bit of blood work done. With a little patience, I could have ordered it for myself in OK or NH…but since I do have insurance 🙂 I thought I would let them pay for a change. Plus, I am trying to relate to my patients and what their experience is in finding a primary care physician.

I just requested a copy of my chart from the last doc and will continue to shop around for someone…more like the kind of doctor I am? Yes, I know they exist, I am just having trouble finding one.

Update – September 2010

I have still not found a primary care physician who is willing to work WITH me on my health. I have no pressing issues at the moment as I am very healthy but what if? The issue driving me to find someone in April was easily resolved with the help of my trusty Chiropractor, a few massage sessions and some targeted exercises so the motivation to find someone today has dissipated.

I decided I would start interviewing doctors to fill this role for me – some in network some out. I am very willing to pay over and above my insurance coverage, even 100%, simply for that partner in health care. I have interviewed 4 doctors (2 DO’s, 2 MD’s) and 1 nurse practitioner. I have also made an appointment with an ND in another state to see how we might work long distance – me getting lab work done on my own and perhaps finding a local doctor that would simply do a physical exam if needed. I had hoped to also build a list of doctors I could refer people to. This is important if my patient/client has no doctor or a doctor not willing to work alonside me. As of now, there is one person on the list but she is on the East side of the state. Should it be this hard? Is not the ultimate goal to restore health? The Journey continues.